Residential Leak Detection Services in Fort Collins, CO
Why pay for expensive and destructive digging just to find your leak? Or breaking open walls, ceilings or floors searching for an indoor leak? A spot repair is always less costly than wholesale pipe replacement or expensive, destructive searching for that elusive hidden leak, even with pinholes. With our accurate and non-destructive electronic location of hidden leaks, you can solve your leakage problem for pennies on the dollar. Call about our guaranteed leak detection today.
We accurately locate leakage, using high tech electronics and advanced engineering procedures, on every sort of system you may face.
- Swimming Pools/Spas/Fountains
- Outdoor water lines and water systems
- Sprinkler and other irrigation systems
- Fire suppression lines and systems
- Sewers and concealed domestic water plumbing systems
- Snow melt and ice melt systems, boiler systems, radiant systems and other hydronic heating systems
- Under slabs and basement floors
- Leakage in walls and ceilings
- Well lines, water service lines, water main lines, slab heating systems, compressed air systems, in-floor heating systems
- Sewer Cameras for video inspection.
- Natural Gas leaks, Sewer odor leaks, Propane leaks
Utility Location
- Location of hidden water, sewer, and gas lines and other utilities.
- Locate septic lines and tanks, valve boxes and curb stops, electrical and phone lines.
Call us today for more information or a quote. Your water department uses us to solve their leakage problems and so does your insurance company....because we minimize both property damage and costly repair charges.

Rankings in the Industry!
Learn why American Leak Detection™ is considered to be
THE leaders in non-invasive leak detection.